Comforting Hearts Receives United Way Grant for All-Inclusive Playground Equipment


The Daviess County United Way recently announced that Comforting Hearts, a group organized to purchase all-inclusive playground equipment at Longfellow Park was the recipient of a $20-thousand dollar grant to help their mission.  The total cost of this project is over $400-thousand dollars, and with the grant, Comforting Hearts went over the $150-thousand dollar local match to secure an additional $150-thousand toward the overall mission.  Zella Taylor Director of the Daviess County United Way says this is one of three big projects this year for the oganziation…



Steve Sackstedder with Comforting Hears explains the importance of this new equipment and what it means for the community…



While fundraising will continue for the project, the grant does get the group even closer to the goal, and the hope is to see the new equipment installed this year.

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